Nemo me impune lacessit

No one provokes me with impunity


No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Article 1, Section 9, Constitution of the United States

If this is the law of the land...why in a republic (little r) and as republicans, do we allow mere POLITICIANS to the right to use a "title of office" for the rest of their lives as if it were de facto a patent of nobility. Because, as republicans, this should NOT be the case...just saying...

The Vail Spot's Amazon Store

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lowry Calls Obama Classless

On PBS's "McLaughlin Group"

the fireworks started when Lowry called President Obama classless for the way he treated Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) at Wednesday's speech on deficit reduction which led Clift to ask, "What else would you expect from a socialist born in Kenya who’s hiding his birth certificate?"

ELEANOR CLIFT, NEWSWEEK: It is perfectly fair politics to point out that Paul Ryan’s plan gets its cuts from taking money away from two-thirds of the public that is poorer, and hands it over in tax cuts to the top class…
RICH LOWRY, NATIONAL REVIEW: It is revenue neutral.
CLIFT: …and to call that classless…
LOWRY: It’s a revenue neutral tax reform…
CLIFT: Who gets…
LOWRY: …it does not cut taxes. That is wrong.
JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, HOST: Don't you think you’re a little pessimistic?
CLIFT: Excuse me! The savings he gets he transfers to the upper class, and you call the President's speech classless? What do you mean by that from a party that's in favor of birther talk.
MCLAUGHLIN: Let him answer, let him answer.
LOWRY: He invited Paul Ryan to sit in there in front of him and tell him he hates autistic kids fundamentally. That is classless, Eleanor. There's no other word for that.
CLIFT: What else would you expect from a socialist born in Kenya who’s hiding his birth certificate?
LOWRY: Maybe a little class. Maybe a little class. He’s President of the United States.
MCLAUGHLIN: Wait a minute, there’s too many people talking here. Let's hear from Buchanan. Who’s the demagogue?
PAT BUCHANAN: In the President's speech there were real aspects of demagoguery. He’s talking about kids with autism and the rich getting their tax cuts.
MCLAUGHLIN: You don’t think the American people could see through that and they saw that it was demagoguery.
BUCHANAN: Demagoguery works, John.

Perhaps MainStreamMedia is finally pulling their collective heads out of their asses and are going to start doing their jobs...but don't hold your breath.

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