Nemo me impune lacessit

No one provokes me with impunity


No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Article 1, Section 9, Constitution of the United States

If this is the law of the land...why in a republic (little r) and as republicans, do we allow mere POLITICIANS to the right to use a "title of office" for the rest of their lives as if it were de facto a patent of nobility. Because, as republicans, this should NOT be the case...just saying...

The Vail Spot's Amazon Store

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Obama's Youth Brigade

One of my readers sent me this piece...I followed up on it and I'm appalled that this is being permitted to occur in the United States. For the first time I've come to the conclusion that this is a genuine threat. Thanks for sending this to me Cecil.



By Cecil Moon

This morning’s daily rounds of the blogosphere drew me to Atlas Shrugs and a post by Pam Geller. It provoked a sad memory of an experience I had repeatedly while I was in Germany in the early fifties. I was reminded of those I met who had been forcefully enlisted in the Hitlerjugend. At the age of ten they were drawn in to the Jungvolk and at 13, transferred to the HJ with the next step being, at 18, the army. Although the organization was para-military by nature, it was actually a function of the National Socialist Party and made official after the passage of the Youth Law in 1936. From the formal designation in 1932, it grew from a membership that year of 107,968 to 7,728,259 youngsters by the end of 1939. The training consisted of athletics, military arts, and mental conditioning to selfless devotion to Hitler and his goals.

The easiest way to understand the Nazi pathology is to Google the videos which capture the films of Leni Reifenstahl. She was the groundbreaking film maker who chronicled the rise of the 3rd Reich. Her films, for the time, were exceptional and earned her an unassailable reputation as the best of her time and the one to study for education in the documentary arts. In sight and sound she captured the Nazis in their sickest, most bombastic militarism in support of their socialist cause. She did 75 years ago what few today can match in documentary form.

During the rise of Hitler and what became an absolute dictatorship, the youth were a vital component and necessary for their success. The psychic keywords were self-sacrifice, unity of purpose, and devotion to leadership. In 1944, the final days of WWII, the Germans called upon the 12th Panzer Division which was made up exclusively of the kids of the Hitlerjugend. By that time, the western front was populated by battle hardened men of several allied nations and the boys were no match for them.

This brings us back to the posting by Pam Geller which outlines current circumstances sanctioned and encouraged by Barack Obama to form a youth corps of his own here in the United States. In remarks earlier this year he stated that we should have such a thing with an enrollment and strength equal to the US military. Like much I read, when I saw that I said: “Yeah, right, that will never happen.” I was wrong. Not only did it happen but it is on-going.

Organizing for America is apparently the organization name for this program and in addition to Pam Geller’s remarks and endless links on the subject we have the syllabus for the internship program which is also available. (After you click on the link) and bring up Atlas Shrugs 2000, read Ms Geller’s remarks, then take a look at the OFA material which she has kindly included. Of special note is the reading list of out and out communists who are recommended. Please devote some time to absorbing this very revealing outline of what Obama has in mind for all of us and the means by which he plans to implement it. Keep in mind that what you see on the page was supplied by a school kid who actually received the material at a public school in Ohio.

You do not have to be a geezer who served in the occupation army in Germany sixty years ago to appreciate what is going on here. If you go to some of the links, you will have confirmation and enough information to terrify you. Part of recent legislation granted the Secretary of Education about $500,000,000 in discretionary funds to help promote this agenda. In today’s whirl of billions and trillions, 500 million is chump change (it figures to $1.50 per person) but it is enough to tip the scales toward participation in this vile program.

I beg you. Please go to the original and see for yourself. Once you have examined the facts personally, talk about it, complain about it, resist it, contact your representatives, write your letters to the editor, speak to school board members, call your brother-in-law, but, by all means necessary, keep this on the front burner. Also acquaint yourself with the idea that the reason he doesn’t care about how many congressmen fall by the wayside is simply because he wants to be a dictator. If you doubt this, name one member of the pre-war Reichstag. As long as Reid, Pelosi, Nelson, Bachus, Dodd, Frank, et al, get the job done which he wants—he doesn’t need them. He does not care. The narcissist-in-chief wants to be the top and only dog with any say-so. The reality is that he wants to destroy the United State of America. He’s no genius but he does recognize that kids are a significant avenue to reach that goal. Young voters were instrumental in getting him elected in the first place. History is on his side on that one.

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