This photograph from from the ridiculously long Flu Shot line in Milwaukee. (Via Gateway Pundit). Mark Tapscott comments,
“President Obama’s late-night declaration of a nationwide public health emergency last night shouldn’t be allowed to obscure the most important lesson of the developing swine flu crisis – The same government that only weeks ago promised abundant supplies of swine flu vaccine by mid-October will be running your health care system under Obamacare.”So, this is what Government Run Health Care will look like. I firmly think that it will be a disaster the like of which this country has never been forced to endure. But what truly enrages me is that Congress has excluded itself from ALL of the provisions in all the bills that are being considered. Additionally, they are excluding all federal employees and those who are employed by the executive branch. If this legislation is good enough for US, it's damn sure good enough for them.
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